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Contract signed by someone else but in my name. Binding?
[ 2 Answers ]
Hi all, My mother took out a gym membership in my name as a Christmas gift. The contract is filled out in my name but signed by by mother. My mother has paid 11 months of the contract, but accidentally cancelled the direct debit one month early. The contract was completed and signed by my mother...
Is contract binding
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Have signed contract to purchase house. Have given earnest money. Have not had home inspection or received papers from lender yet. Am I legally bound to purchase house or can I back out. I live in Ohio
Legal and binding document
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State - Illinois Is an initialled piece of paper a legal and binding document if it was signed under duress? It was not notarized or submitted through the court system.
Mortgage Contract Binding?
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My Mortgage broker contacted World Savings for a equity or re-finance loan on my home of 27 years in Sarasota. FL. I received in the mail 2 sets of documents from World Savings on Jan. 11, 2007, of the same. One said your Loan Documents... sign and return with a pre-paid envelope. Loan amount of...
Legal binding on new house contract
[ 3 Answers ]
I recently signed papers to purchase a house (35 days ago) but just found out I was misinformed about the loan. I was misled and lied to about the loan contract. What I signed for is not how they explained to me. They (mortgage broker and titlle agency) intentionally gave me false information to... View more questions Search