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Quitting After Accepting
[ 2 Answers ]
I just accepted a new job & immediately thereafter was offered another one that I know is more important to the start of my career. I cannot turn this down, despite that I just underwent a week of training & am desperately needed at my current company. I do not know my boss well enough, nor have I...
Quitting Smoking?
[ 11 Answers ]
Okay so, I want to quit smoking, the thing is, I smoke when I am bored, so to quit smoking I would need to find soemthing else to do with my hands instead of smoking. A friend of mine, she quit smoking and now she eats when she is bored. I don't want to eat all the time... I think I need a hobby...
Quitting shoplifting
[ 6 Answers ]
I'm not sure if I'm in the right section to ask about shoplifting, but here I go. I used to shoplift regularly, and I have gotten in a lot of trouble doing it. I have been to jail for 30 days , and am now on diversion for 2 years. Im finally done with shoplifting and will never do it again, but... View more questions Search