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Discussing religion
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Why does a seemingly innocent conversation about religious beliefs so often turn into an argument or fight, and sometimes even deteriorate into name-calling, postering, etc? Most religions follow some version of the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Why then is it so...
Mobile home park mgr forbids me to have my dog
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I just received I suppose my 3rd 7 day notice to get rid of my dog. Other people have dogs including her. She says my dog tried to attack the mailman, but all I saw was the mailman trying to kick my dog and my dog barking at him about 2 ft away from him. I think it was a setup because the...
We have an employee that has patient info and billing info in our server - Violation?
[ 1 Answers ]
We have a past employee that has patient files and billing info on our server. She worked part time for an outside doctor and his info is contained on our records. We have purged them and notified the docotr, but she intercepts emails. Do we have a violation that we should be concerned about? View more questions Search