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When the parent company sells a portion of its investment in a subsidiary, the workpa
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When the parent company sells a portion of its investment in a subsidiary, the workpaper entry to adjust for the current year's income sold to noncontrolling stockholders includes a ? Debit to Subsidiary Income Sold. Debit to Equity in Subsidiary Income. Credit to Equity...
Parent & subsidiary questions
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Hello! I have a question I hope you guys can answer. So the story is a parent company and its subsidiary have the conditions stated below... and I have to prepare the working paper elimination entries. 1 Acquired interest: 100% Amount paid: 1,450,000 Subsidiary capital balances-
European company wants to open Florida subsidiary?
[ 2 Answers ] What is the best way to open an Inc. in Florida, which is owned by European based Ltd. The European company is owned by 3 individuals. We want to open up its subsidiary in Florida, but with me as a part of the company's ownership. I am base here in US. Who should be the...
Elixir Industry, parent or subsidiary
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I am trying to find out if Elixir Industry, with addresses in Las Vegas, NV (for tax purposes I'm guessing) and Orange, CA, manufacturers of EZorb, is the parent company or a subsidiary. Their web site is devoid of any information about company officers, contact phone numbers for the various... View more questions Search