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HIPAA violation?
[ 6 Answers ]
I am a medical practitioner who informed my employer of a problem I have. They pulled my medical records and used them against me.I was fired. I gave no one permission to look at my files. None of them had treated me.
Is it a hipaa violation?
[ 3 Answers ]
Is it a HIPAA violation to have a NICU with windows where family AND non-family members can see into the NICU and view babies? The windows have shades that CAN be drawn but often aren't. It seems this would violate HIPAA in that people who have nothing to do with the patient's care can know who...
Hipaa violation
[ 12 Answers ]
I took a drug test at work but opted to quit prior to the results,few days later a fellow employee told me the operation manager disclosed my results,I work for an ambulance company,If this information gets out I can never work in the field again,, I just don't know how to handle this any ideas?
Is this a hipaa violation
[ 1 Answers ]
I work for an office that has patient files on desks and the hipaa sign in sheets out for anyone to see. The doctor doesn't seem to think this is a problem and when I bring it to her attention she bites my head off. This is very upsetting to me, am I wrong?
HIPAA violation?
[ 5 Answers ]
I am active duty military and we are always told that we are protected by HIPAA. The other day I found out my medical provider told a joke about me to other medical staff regarding one of my diagnosed medical conditions. Is this considered a HIPAA violation? View more questions Search