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Asset transfer journal entry
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For the Parent company, what is the correct journal entry to transfer fixed assets to the subsidiary? DR - Capital Distribution (Equity) CR - Equipment (Asset) Or DR - Investment Interest in Subsidiary (Asset) CR - Equipment (Asset)
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I have a client who is thinking about a virtual office in NYC for his unincorporated investment business. This virtual office would allow him to use the more prestigious NYC address on his letter head and business cards. According to the terms, his phone would be answered, his mail would be...
Transfer of fixed asset to another entity
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I need to transfer a fixed asset (rental real estate) and its mortgage from one LLC to another LLC. Since both LLCs are owned by one person, no cash was involved in the transaction. What entries are needed, and which LLC shows the capital gain? $250,000 = FMV of home $200,000 = original cost...
501c3 Asset Transfer
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I Would Like To Know If It Is Legal (or Ethical) To Create A 501c3 Corperation And Donate The Assets From A 501c3 Church That Is Being Desolved Considering The Fact That The President Of The Desolved Church Is The President Of The Newley Organized 501c3 Corperation? View more questions Search