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Oil/gas Spill In Garage!need Instructions To Clean Up!
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My teenage son recently started mowing lawns, and the gardener who hired him, has asked him to store his lawnmower in the garage of my parents (who were kind to allow this), so that my son would have quick access to it, as the customers are in this area where we live. PROBLEM: My parents are so...
My friend has really bad Body Odour!
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my friend has really bad body odour, she doesnt use deodorant only perfumey type body mist like impulse etc. my friends & i have been trying to tell her for ages, finally i did in science yesterday, i wrote her a note and as decreetly as i could i wrote: b, alot of people have been noticing that...
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My grandkids spilled a can of gas in the garage and now the house smells like gas, what can their mother do to get rid of the smell and to clean the gas up?
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How do I clean up an oil spill on the driving pad at my condo.
Microwave Problem
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The problem with my overhead microwave is that the vent fan doesn't turned off. I could switch back between low and high flow but I could not turn it off. Any help... > View more questions Search