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Ratio of baking soda/baking powder to plainf flour
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I have an Australian cookie recipe that calls for self raising flour and I do not have any.. what ratio of baking powder should I add to the regular flour to make it "self raising' Many thanks
Bicarbonate of soda vs. Baking soda?
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In Australia, we only have bicarbonate of soda and baking powder. The chocolate crinkles recipe I want to try out requires baking soda. Which can I use to substitute & how much?:confused:
Baking powder and baking soda
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In baking what are the differences between baking powder and baking soda? The reason is that one time I used the wrong one in a cake recipe and it did not come out right.
Baking soda, does it really work and why?
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Hello, I would like to find out ways I could pass a drug test using home remedies such as the baking soda. I'm a meth user/addict who seems to always land myself back to this situation and eventually back to a state of incarceration. Any information on ways to buy some more time to get a hold of...
Identifying baking soda and washing soda
[ 2 Answers ]
Using a monoprotic acid, how would you find out which sample is baking soda and which sample is washing soda if you have unknown samples of each? I think it has something to do with how much CO2 each produces when reacted with the acid, but I don't know which produces more CO2 and which produces... View more questions Search