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Why is my heat pump noise making a loud noise?
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This morning my heat pump sounded like a lawn mower running. It's coming from the outside and it was loud enough for me to think someone had generator running in my back yard.
Loud cracking noises from floor
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I live on the 2nd floor of a 3 story apartment building. Once the weather got cooler in October (It's in California, so it's not THAT cold.), the floor above began making really LOUD cracking noises when the tenants above walk around. The cracking noises are loud enough to wake me and the sound...
Occasional Humming noise above my first floor condo
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From time to time There is a humming noise that happens up in the ceiling. I shut the furnace off to see if the noise would stop and it hasnot. Any thoughts on why this is happening? Do you think it is an HOA issue?
Replacing a shower pan in ceramic tiled floor
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I need to replace the shower pan in my bathroom due to a leak in the unit below me - is this expensive? Difficult to do?
Loud cracking noise under ceramic tiles on concrete slab floor.
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Hi, I live in Florida and my home was built in 1994. Last night I was woken up by a very loud cracking noise under my floor tiles in the laundry room off the garage. None of the tiles broke,but now when I walk on them it sounds like there is loose mortar underneath them. My question is... what... View more questions Search