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Six Steps of Scientific Method
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What are the six steps of the scientific method?
Front Porch needs boards replaced
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Hello, My front porch needs some boards replaced. The previous owner did a quickie repair job on some rotted wood. We have 2 pillars and on the outside front corner they sawed the decking at the pillar base so now we need to hire someone to jack up the roof and replace the boards underneath. ...
What tube steps look and work best
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I want to put tube steps (not running boards) on my 2006 Toyota Tacoma crew cqb pre-runner, but don't want to spend that kind of money sight unseen. I've pretty well decided on full length black (probaby power coated). I'd like to hear from y'all on which brand looks best, stands up to daily use,...
Basement Shower Steps
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I am currently putting a shower in my basement. The drain pipe has been roughed in, however, it is under the concrete slab. I know where the pipe is from the blueprints. Now I need to know the steps to follow to expose this pipe and install the drain. Any help you can provide would be great.
Repair under front porch
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We bought a five year old house that has a concrete front porch. The porch is only eight inches in height above the lead up sidewalk/walkway from the driveway (hope that makes sense) The builder who built the home did not put any concrete steps up to the porch Because of the only 8 inch... View more questions Search