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Replacing Fiberglass Shower/Tub with Custom Built
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I want to rip out my fiberglass shower/tub assembly (1970 vintage) and install a new tub with tiled shower walls above, glass doors, and all new fixtures. Is there a good plan available somewhere as to how to do this? I'm particularly curious as to what base is required to attach the tiles. Any...
Moving drain in custom shower, whirlpool tub and toilet on concrete slab
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I am finalizing plans to update a master bathroom that sits on a concrete slab. My question is: can shower, whirlpool tub and toilet drain holes be moved without drilling into the concrete? If so, what is the maximum amount that the holes can be repositioned without having to drill? I would...
Custom shower stall construction
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Hello, Could you give me specific steps to build custom shower base - what is the best membrane to install in the shower base, how to do it as well how to attach it to shower drain Thanks Bogdan
Installing new tile on top of shower pan
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I am going to be installing tile over durock cement board which sits on the top edge of my shower pan and just slightly over hangs into shower pan. Should I rest the starter row of tiles down on the cultured marble shower pan which has a 1/2 in lip or should I leave maybe 1/8 gap and if so what do... View more questions Search