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Programs that keep appearing on Desktop screen when starting my computer.
[ 8 Answers ]
How do I remove program icons and messages that first appear on my Desktop screen when I start-up my computer. Every time I try to delete or turn-off the messages or program icons, they keep coming back. I believe it has to do with what programs are attached to the STARTUP menu. But, don't know...
Program PC Center ran in a user area on startup, not working now.
[ 2 Answers ]
A program called PC Center ran on startup in one of the user areas on my PC, Vista 64. It seemed to do a scan and when it finished, I closed it and the user area went blank and now will not come up. The other user is OK - can't find the exe - PC.exe. Not really sure what info to give, the second...
Deleting logon screen on startup
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Hi How do I remove the logon screen on startup? My old computer used to just bootup and I never had to log on. I got rid of the Welcome Screen but can't get rid of the logon window
Run A Program Right After Welcome Screen?
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HELLO THERE! I Have Windows XP SP-2 I Want To Run A Program Automatically Right After The Welcome Screen WHAT I REALLY WANT IS... I Don't Want Any User To Access Start Menu Or Desktop BEFORE My Program & When My Program Is Finished Executing Then XP Gives Desktop. View more questions Search