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SoundMAX audio driver install. I'm lost!
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I successfully installed Windows XP Pro SP2 onto my new computer. I also installed my motherboard and video card successfully, but I'm hung up with the audio driver installation. I have an ASUS P5B-VM motherboard, an ASUS NVidia EN8800GTS video card, and an Intel E6600 Dual-Core processor. ...
I lost my audio device
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What do I need to do to get my audio device back? I don't even have it on my computer any more.
I've lost my audio device
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I have windows vista and have somehow lost my sound. It comes up saying no audio device is installed. I don't know whether it has been accidentally deleted or what. Can anyone please help? :(
Lost audio 5.1
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I had to reinstall windows lost all audio put in motherboard cd now only have,sub+2speakers working+no audio test any help as I'm still learning how to drive this PC thanks View more questions Search