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    Dragonflydreams's Avatar
    Dragonflydreams Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 3, 2008, 08:30 PM
    Lost audio
    I am in desperate need of info on how to recover audio on my computer. I use my computer to support victims of homicide and need to be able to HEAR them at any and all times. Please help:(
    rquick's Avatar
    rquick Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 3, 2008, 09:20 PM

    A couple of questions. Are you using XP or? To start with the basic, look down on the bottom right, do you see a speaker? Does it have a red line through it? If so, it is muted, double click and uncheck the mute button, also check the different volume levels in this screen, turn them all up... next, are your speakers externally powered? Most are, check the power source, most have a green light when powered, try plugging in a set of headphones in the correct jack, does it work? If so, it is your speakers probably.
    Couchcarrot's Avatar
    Couchcarrot Posts: 590, Reputation: 41
    Senior Member

    Dec 11, 2008, 12:24 AM
    If you are using Windows XP, do you know whether you may
    Have inadvertently deleted the SoundMAX file? If so, have you tried
    Doing a System Restore, going back to the date when the sound
    First stopped working? If that doesn't work, and you don't see a
    Sound driver in your list of "Currently Installed Programs and Updates,"
    Try here:

    Occasionally, this file can be deleted when someone (like me) thinks
    They're cleaning up unneeded files. Hope this helps.

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