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Windshield cleaning
[ 5 Answers ]
I used Windex to clean the inside of my front windshield... a few days later I looked and my windshield had so many smudges that I might as well not have even cleaned it. Do anyone have any tips to prevent that from happening when cleaning windows in your car?. any commercial products or mixes......
Car Windsheild cleaning
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I have a new jeep and the windshield has what seems like stains imbedded outside the wiper area. It looks like grease smudges. I tried everything to clean, but nothing works. I would like to know if anyone knows of something that would clean windshield.
Keyboard question compaq evo n400c notebook
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Hi. Does anyone know how to take a screen shot on a Compaq Evo N400C series notebook? The top row has a key labeled "prt sc" with a white underlay. I tried pressing this key with the "Fn" key at the same time but nothing happens. Is there another key I'm supposed to use? Thanking you in advance for...
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hi, need some guidance. Daughter's going to college and is buying an entry level notebook, narrowed down to two- 1) toshiba a85- s107 and 2) compac presario m2105 us. compac- With a 15" display, wireless capabilities and combo drive, the Compaq Presario M2105US notebook gives you the... View more questions Search