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    ladygolfer's Avatar
    ladygolfer Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 2, 2005, 09:04 PM
    Blank screen
    While on the internet my computer froze up and when I did control alt delete my screen went blank with all wavy lines. I shut the machine off and sbooted up again only to get the blank screen with wavy lines. No matter what I try I cannot get to my desktop.

    Can anyone help? :eek:
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
    Ultra Member

    Jan 3, 2005, 05:27 AM
    Blank screen
    I need to know your windows version, like xp, 98, etc...
    Since I don't know it, try this:

    To Repair the Registery:
    Turn off the computer; or reboot; then immediately press F8, (or, could be F5) located on top of the keyboard. Keep it press down until an options window comes up, then release it.
    (If F8 or F5 doesn't work, then re-boot, and immediately press down the CTRL key, hold down until it comes up to the options screen).
    Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select "Command Prompt Only".
    Press Enter
    You will now see C:>
    Type in SCANREG /FIX (there is a space between the G and the / ).
    You will now see C:>SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    This will take about 5 minutes or so.
    When finished, press Enter for OK.
    Manually, turn off the computer, wait a few seconds, the turn it back on.

    If you don't have the "Command Prompt Only" option, then re-boot the computer normally.
    Go to Start/ShutDown, then choose "restart in ms-dos mode".
    It will come up to C:\windows.
    Type in CD C:\
    It will look like C:>windows CD C:\
    Press Enter.
    It will then be at the C:> prompt.
    Then type in SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    When it returns to the C:> prompt, then manually turn off the computer, and turn it back on.

    It would help to know your windows version.
    Best wishes,
    ladygolfer's Avatar
    ladygolfer Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 4, 2005, 09:54 PM
    Blank screen
    Thanks for your reply... i am using microsoft version 98. Do the directions you gave me change? Please let me know soon.

    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
    Ultra Member

    Jan 5, 2005, 04:39 AM
    I also use Win98SE; and I love it. Yes, the previous directions do apply to Win98 and 98SE.

    Also, if you wish, print out all the following. They are Maintenance steps for win98/98SE, and if you do them, will keep your computer running smoothly. The blank screen is just of many things that can happen with 98/98SE, if maiintenance is not kept up.

    Registry Repair should be done whenever there are problems:

    To Repair the Registery:
    Turn off the computer; or reboot; then immediately press F8, (or, could be F5) located on top of the keyboard. Keep it press down until an options window comes up, then release it.
    (If F8 or F5 doesn't work, then re-boot, and immediately press down the CTRL key, hold down until it comes up to the options screen).
    Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select "Command Prompt Only".
    Press Enter
    You will now see C:>
    Type in SCANREG /FIX (there is a space between the G and the / ).
    You will now see C:>SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    This will take about 5 minutes or so.
    When finished, press Enter for OK.
    Manually, turn off the computer, wait a few seconds, the turn it back on.
    If you don't have the "Command Prompt Only" option, then re-boot the computer normally.
    Go to Start/ShutDown, then choose "restart in ms-dos mode".
    It will come up to C:\windows.
    Type in CD C:\
    It will look like C:>windows CD C:\
    Press Enter.
    It will then be at the C:> prompt.
    Then type in SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    When it returns to the C:> prompt, then manually turn off the computer, and turn it back on.

    Win98/98SE Regular Maintenance
    All of these should be run whenever Win98/98SE starts giving problems. It will keep the computer running smoothly.

    Before doing any of the following; turn off wallpaper and screensavers before re-starting or re-booting the computer.

    Safe Mode is best where indicated, because most programs are not running meaning their files are closed, or not in use. This allows them to be scanned much better, repaired, or defragged better.

    1. Scandisk
    Start in Safe Mode by:
    Re-boot the computer, and immediately after starting up, Press and hold down, F8, at top of keypad.
    When the options show on the screen, use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select
    "Safe Mode".
    Press Enter
    After it boots to Safe Mode, go to Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools, and click on Scandisk.
    (It is faster if set on "Standard", the "Thorough" usually is not needed and takes a long, long time).
    Click on "Start" and let it run until finished.

    2. Defrag
    When Scandisk is finished, click on "Close".
    Now, go back to the same place, but this time, click on "Defrag".
    Click on OK, and wait until it finishes (might take 1 hour if not done within a month).
    After it finishes, Click on OK or whatever.
    Then, re-boot.

    The following Boot Disk has to be done only one time.

    Also, a "must have" is a Boot Disk, for Win98/98SE. One never knows when the computer might not load windows and go to the desktop... it does happen.

    Here are steps to make one:

    Insert the Win98/98SE CD in the CD-ROM drive.
    Go to Start/Programs/Windows Explorer
    Double click on D:/ , if that is your CD-ROM drive letter.
    Find and open the folder; Tools/Mtsutil/Fat32ebd (stands for Emergency Boot Disk)
    Double click on the file Fat32ebd.exe and follow the instructions to create the Boot Disk.
    Then remove the CD from the CD-ROM.

    Now, we must test the Boot Disk to see if it works.
    Shut down the computer; then turn it back on with the Boot Disk still in the computer.
    When a screen comes up, use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to select "Boot with CD-ROM support". Then press Enter.
    It will show some things about the computer, and then come up to the A:> prompt.
    Now, insert a CD (any will do) into the CD-ROM.
    Wait until it "spins" and the light goes off.
    Now, at the A:> prompt, type in DIR D:
    It will now look like A:>DIR D:
    It should show all the files on the CD.
    If so, the Boot Disk is good. If NOT, repeat all the above.
    If it's good, then remove the CD, manually turn off the computer, and remove the Boot Disk. Turn on the computer and it's ready to go.

    Here are some "tweaks" for Win98/98SE that really work well.

    Win98SE Tweaks for better performance

    To extract files: here are steps:
    Extract the following from c/cabs/cab53 and cab54.
    (Right click on a Cab, then left click on View).
    To extract a file then seen, Right click on the file,
    Then Left click on Extract.
    Extract to:
    c/windows/system; and also to:

    Win98SE USB Updates:

    Also, for Win98/98SE; any ONE of the following programs WILL, normally, cause problems:
    1. Microsoft's DirectX 9.0c
    2. Sun Java; any versions, such as j2re 1.4.1 or 1.4.2. (use the Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab, under the heading "Java VM", the only check mark should be by "JIT compiler for virtual machine.....".
    3. Microsoft's Internet Explorer & Outlook Express Cumulative Security Patches from Windows Update.

    I know all the above is a LOT of stuff... But, it works!
    Best wishes,

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