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60's song---title? Artist?
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Can anyone help me find the title of this song and the artist? The song is from the 60's. The only lyrics I know are: "A letter has come, a letter has come and now he must join the boys in Vietnam.....vietnam....vietnam." "Oh he'll be coming home with victory in his hand and you'll be proud...
Family Movie from 50's or 60's
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I remember seeing this movie in the early 60's. I can't remember the name, nor can I remember the stars. It did have some child stars - notable a blond or red-headed boy with freckles and a little blond girl. What I do remember was there was a storm, may be a hurricane. After the resulting damage,...
Children's fantasy from the '60's-mid 70's
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I am trying to identify and locate a book that I loved as a fourth/fifth grader in the mid-seventies. It was a book about a girl who heard music coming from the woods at night. One night she follows the sound to find a boy training ponies in an open field. They become friends, but the ponies...
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Hello,I need the name of the song and the name of the artist of this 60's song I'm sending you a part of the song so you can listen.
The 60's
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What are the sound of the sixties? And the history that took place in the sixties. View more questions Search