Full Member
Dec 4, 2007, 01:33 AM
comic books
just a qiuck post... any one know about the value of some comic books I have...
I have a couple early edition GREEN ARROW comic books.. there from the early 80's... not sure of the issue numbers, but I will give more info. If anyone is interested in knowing? :confused: :o :o:D... just thought I would throw this out there
Uber Member
Dec 4, 2007, 01:38 AM
Unfortunately, we don't actually have a collectible comic book expert on this site. Hopefully, in time we will. In the meantime, perhaps I could help you some.
Are these comic books in mint condition and also in plastic covers?
Full Member
Dec 4, 2007, 01:44 AM
 Originally Posted by Clough
Unfortunately, we don't actually have a collectible comic book expert on this site. Hopefully, in time we will. In the meantime, perhaps I could help you some.
Are these comic books in mint condition and also in plastic covers?
Yeah they are mint and in plastic covers...
I guess I was hoping for a site recomindation?
I don't know I usuallly stay in the movie section... I just thought I would venture over to this section and finally ask about these comic books.. I have had them for years...
What you think, know any sites?:)
Uber Member
Dec 4, 2007, 01:53 AM
I had already tried the following search.
Green Arrow Comic Book Values - Google Search
You might also like to try that search and then add the word eBay after Green Arrow Comic Book Values. I'll bet that there's some being sold on eBay! Another thing would be to make the word "value" instead of "values." That can make a difference in searches.
Full Member
Dec 4, 2007, 02:24 AM
 Originally Posted by Clough
I had already tried the following search.
Green Arrow Comic Book Values - Google Search
You might also like to try that search and then add the word eBay after Green Arrow Comic Book Values. I'll bet that there's some being sold on eBay! Another thing would be to make the word "value" instead of "values." That can make a difference in searches.
Thanks I just found a site.. and after some searching, from what this site says... there only worth between 5.20-6.20.. lol well its a lot more than the .60cents I originally got them for.. lol
Thanks for your help:D :)
Uber Member
Dec 4, 2007, 04:45 AM
You are welcome! At least they are worth something more than what you paid for them. I have lots of old comics from the 1960's and early 1970's. Unfortunately, I don't think they are worth much because I read them over and over. $5.20 to $6.20 doesn't sound to bad for mint condition of yours though.
Anyway, if you are like me, then you will hang onto them for awhile... but, it is good to know that they are worth something more than what you paid for them.
Who knows? If you advertised them for $20.00 or $30.00 each on the Internet on one of the many free advertising sites there are out there, a Green Arrow comic book fan just might be willing to pay those prices for them in order to complete a collection.
Full Member
Dec 4, 2007, 07:22 AM
 Originally Posted by Clough
You are welcome! At least they are worth something more than what you paid for them. I have lots of old comics from the 1960's and early 1970's. Unfortunately, I don't think they are worth much because I read them over and over. $5.20 to $6.20 doesn't sound to bad for mint condition of yours though.
Anyway, if you are like me, then you will hang onto them for awhile... but, it is good to know that they are worth something more than what you paid for them.
Who knows? If you advertised them for $20.00 or $30.00 each on the Internet on one of the many free advertising sites there are out there, a Green Arrow comic book fan just might be willing to pay those prices for them in order to complete a collection.
Lol.. that's true.. I will probably wind up keeping them a little longer. But that's true its good to know I got my moneys worth now.. lol well thanks again for the help.:)
I looked green arrow up, and it started back in like 47 and mine are the first issues of the 80's sieries limited edition.. so maybe they could be worth something to them die hard arrow fans.. hehe OK ttyl
Uber Member
Dec 4, 2007, 07:25 AM
Did you want to sell them? Or, are you just interested in the possible value and history of them?
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