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Ghost movies in the 60s and 70s
[ 2 Answers ]
Its about a man who loses his wife And she comes back as a ghost because she wants him to move on with his life And helps him find a new wife and then moves on She's really funny and its in color thank you
60s-70s Scare Movies
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I was born in 1962 and remember be subjected to a movie or movies at our elementary school (most likely from (1970 to 1972). It dealt with scaring kids to not go off with strangers? It dealt with hitchhiking, going into the woods with strangers, etc. It was quite graphic and horrifying. I...
Name of film from 60s or 70s
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Years ago I saw a film on TV in which a man rips off the skin from his own arm and then puts some kind of substance/cream on it which I think may have helped it to grow back. He didn't feel any pain as he did it so it was either an artificial arm or he was conditioned in some way not to feel pain....
Gargoyles from 60s or 70s
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I am looking for the name of this movie from the late 60s or early 70s.father and daughter driving in desert hit gargoyle,take with to hotel,attacked by gargoyle tribe , gargoyles kidnap daughter and hold in cave. Bikers help rescue
I need the name of an 60s/70s French movie.
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I saw this movie as a boy. The plot is like this: boy gets contaminated by raditaion while swimming in French Polinesia near the nuclear test site. Boy gets sick and has few months to live. His father is doing everythibg to please him... They live in a castle. Father with some friends goes to the... View more questions Search
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