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A 1-peso coin, a 10-centavo coin and a 25-centavo coin were tossed together
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A 1-peso coin, a 10-centavo coin and a 25-centavo coin were tossed together with a die. How many possible outcomes could there be?
A coin is tossed and a die is rolled. What is the probablity that the coin shows tail
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A coin is tossed and a die is rolled. What is the probablity that the coin shows tails and the die shows a four?
F-16 coin
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My dad(before he died) was given a coin with the f-16 fighting falcon on one side and the seal of the Republic of The Marshall islands on the reverse. Its says 5 dollars on the front and back and was made in 1995. I am looking for anyone who knows anything about this coin and/or its real worth.
Coin Value
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I have several old coins and a silver certificate and I would like to know what the value of them are.:rolleyes: I have an 1884 silver dollar coin/ an 1899 silver dollar coin/ a 1922 Peace dollar coin/ a 1937 Indian head/buffalo nickel and a 1957 B silver certificate. What are they worth, if...
What Coin is this?
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I've had this coin for maybe 10 or more years... now I have no idea what it is.. I know it's a Franklin mint but can't quite really read the year... one side has this mans face looking side ways and has the name sir modred on it and the other side has some english figure... no other words... if any... View more questions Search