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Unemployed father and child support
[ 0 Answers ]
My husband of 6 years has a 13 year old daughter that he had been taking care of since she was a baby. Before we were married and were living together, I helped take care of her. I've been taking care of this girl for about 10 years now. 5 years ago, my husband was awarded primary custody of his...
Paying child support when unemployed
[ 7 Answers ]
Facts: 1) state North Carolina 2) responsible parent paying child support has been unemployed because of layoffs/downsizing, in other words not fired. 3) been drawing unemployment for 1 year, been actively looking for comparable job 4) unemployment about to expire 5) went to court and had CS...
What to do when you are unemployed and cannot pay child support and behind
[ 3 Answers ]
I have a friend who is living in Florida and cannot pay his child support. He has fallen on hard times, is $20K behind, and cannot pay as he does not have a job but is actively looking for one in Florida. He does not have the money to obtain an atty but also cannot quality for legal aid because...
Paying child support while unemployed in MA.
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm currently receiving unemployment checks from the state of Massachusetts, I've been unemployed for 7 months. These check are less than half of what I was making in my past job. I received 7 months salary when my position was eliminated at an investment company in Boston. This is currently my...
Unemployed getting taken back for more child support
[ 3 Answers ]
I'm current unemployed and my ex wife is taking me back to court for more child support. I have not money and don't know where I can find attorney for free. View more questions Search