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What does a father do to get his 16 year old son?
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My 16 yr old son lives wit his uncle he has tepary custudy mother sign her rights away my son is un happy and wants to live wit me the uncle threats my son if he says anything want answer my calls
My 4 year old's father isn't around, how do I tell her why?
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My daughter was born in 2002 and from the start her father wanted nothing to do with us because he felt as though she was not his. In 2003 I met this great guy who accepted me and my daughter with open arms. We recently ended our relationship in the summer of 2006 which is also the time when I...
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Can my 12 year old son live with his father
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I have a 2 year old daughter and her father has not seen her in over a year.
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I have a 2 year old daughter and her father left me when she was 5 months old and the last time he saw her was 2 weeks before Christmas 2006, he and I were never married. He knows where she is and how to get ahold of me and see her, but has failed in trying to contact me or see her. I do not have a... View more questions Search