New Member
Jan 4, 2019, 06:32 AM
I’m 12. Am I smart for my age or do just I think I’m?
(Sorry for bad grammars and spelling,my mother’s touge is not English.)
I’m a 12 years-old kid,I sometimes think I’m smarter or more mature than other 12 year-olds,because of a lot of reasons.I’m not trying to brag how smart I am or something.
A few classmate of mine like to reference random memes jokes from the Internet at school but the memes jokes they reference are dead and old memes,and It’s actually kind of awkward and cringey but they don’t think it’s awkward,but I think it is.
And I like to surf internet and most of the websites I browse allows users to comment on people and things. When I looking at the comments I could distinguish between adult comments and kids comments and I found a lot of kids comments are cringey and annoying but I found a lot of those kids commenters are 11-13 years-olds.
I sometimes think about a lots of “deep” (Not really lol) things and when I’m at primary school at the age of 10-11 I’ll be very sad sometime because I “figure out” (I thought I figure out but I thinks quite it’s stupid now.)life is meaningless since nothing really has it own meaning and understand why is nihilism a thing (I think,just think I understand) and I think,just think I understand what philosophy is.But I think most of the people maybe even kids will some times think about those weird stuff.
I’m properly just an over confident child and I’m not really that smart.
I’m just want to know am I actually smart or not.Thank you for answering the question.
Jan 4, 2019, 08:59 AM
You sound like every 12 year old I’ve ever known. Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. It’s really not as great as you think it is.
Jan 4, 2019, 10:57 AM
Nothing wrong with being self confident, but let's face it, there is much more to learn even for a smart 12 year old, so I wouldn't draw conclusions just yet. By all means keep learning, and try to enjoy this time in your life and the people in it, even the ones who are NOT as smart, or mature as you are.
If you are smart enough to know that, then yes indeed you are a smart 12 year old.
New Member
Jan 5, 2019, 03:31 AM
@J_9 Thank you for answering my question!
@talaniman Thanks for answering my question!
Pets Expert
Jan 5, 2019, 06:13 PM
Based on what you posted, you sound like an average 12 year old. Are you smart? Well, what do you consider smart? Do you watch Jeopardy and answer every question correctly before the answer is given? Are you well read? Are you able to hold your own in any topic of conversation with an adult? What do you consider smart?
My daughter is 16. She does OK in school, above average. She has a friend that is an A+ student. My daughter can cook, clean, apply for a job, do her own laundry, spend a weekend alone and take care of herself. Her friend can't even boil water, and at the age of 17 she still needs a babysitter if her parents go out of town because she can't care for herself. So who's smarter?
Intelligence is more than just quoting things you've read, or having deep thoughts.
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