I NEED help
I babysit three little boys, ages 9, 4, and 1, for a family member, and they live with us. The 4 year old has been giving me such difficulty lately. He hits and kicks our animals, he is mean to me and his brothers, he will smile at me while he does something bad. I always try to distract him, but nothing works, I read to him, we talk, watch Barney, anything I try fails. I put him in the corner several times a day for different reasons. He will scream and cry and won't stop telling me he wants out of the corner, no matter how many times I explain to him why he is in there. When he gets out of the corner I always ask him why he was in there, and he answers me. He understands what he did wrong. When he has something he isn't supposed to, I will calmly tell him it is a no-no, and to give it to me. He starts crying immediately and I have to tell him several times to give it to me. Just yesterday he started hurting himself when he gets mad. I try so hard to explain why he shouldn't do that, and so do others, but he does not listen to anyone. He does what he wants, when he wants. I have looked at parenting websites and stuff like that, but I haven't found anything that works for us. What can I do? Please help. I am at wit's end.