New Member
Jan 5, 2019, 04:02 AM
I don’t want to grow up and live an unhappy life
I’m a 12-years old kid.I don’t want to life an unhappy life
Many young people in the city that I live in live an unhappy office life and got a very little personal free times.Their working hours is long and they’re angry with their boss,their costumers and their workmate every day.But they need to countinue for their salary.
I don’t want to be unhappy like them when I grow up,what should I do?
Education Expert
Jan 5, 2019, 12:02 PM
Choose a career you’re interested in when you’re older. Right now, your job is to be a good student. Look around and start looking for happy adults. If you love what you do in your career, as I do, it keeps you happy.
Pets Expert
Jan 5, 2019, 06:06 PM
Sadly many people do not like the work they do, but a job is necessary in order to survive. Find something you love to do, don't restrict yourself to only where you live, moving is always an option. Take classes that interest you and work towards your goal.
New Member
Feb 19, 2019, 05:56 PM
Kid, don't ever compromise what you really truly believe in. In love, In work, in political view's as long as you aren't hurting anyone, believe in yourself 100% and always be your own best friend. Life is going to put you through some awesome and crappy things but just remember as long as live by your own rules you'll never feel cheated.
Also doesn't hurt to stand up for people who can't themselves. That will give you purpose and perspective.
Go get 'em tiger!
Feb 19, 2019, 06:19 PM
Just because you work all day, does not mean you are unhappy. Many work all day at jobs they love and work hard to achieve and move up in life.
The other is not to buy and get too far in debt, learn to live a simple and happy life.
Happiness comes from inside, not from jobs. A person doing life in prison could be happy, if they can have a happy spirit.
Next stop looking at just the sad people, look at the people who are happy, and look at how they achieve it.
Ultra Member
Feb 20, 2019, 07:14 AM
"I don’t want to be unhappy like them when I grow up,what should I do?"
Then don't. Being happy and content with life is up to you. It's all about you in how you approach your future. Given the choice to be happy or sad on a daily basis, I would go with happy everyday. It doesn't mean life is perfect. It just means you choose to approach life with a positive attitude no matter what the circumstance.
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