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Non Biological father on birth certificate .How do I get the Biological father on?
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Hello I have a 2 year old little girl . We have recently found out that the man who signed the Birth Certificate isn't her father.I have dna tested the other alleged father. And She is his . How would I go about getting the non biological father off and her real father on ? The proven father...
Putting biological father on birth certificate, and changing name back to biological
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My mom and my stepfather are deceased and I'm an adult and want my biological father and my name changed back to his name since it was done without his consent, he is still alive and agrees. Can the courts do this?
Non biological getting reinbursed from biological father
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A man signed an agknowledement of perturnity. Believing the woman he was the father. They never married. He has been paying child support for 14 years only to find he's not the father and the woman knew this the whole time. In NY he can not go after her for the child support paid by him. Can he...
Is a biological mother responsible to repay child support to a non biological father
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The mother of a child was in a relationship with 2 men at the same time, she became pregnant. She married one of the men who has raised the child as his own and now they are divorced and he pays child support. The other man has wanted to know for years (8) if he is the biological father but...
Non-biological father wanting to sign off rights so the biological father
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I was pressured into signing as the father to my now ex girlfriends baby, she's now back with the biological father and we're trying to find out how I can sign the rights over so that the biological father can have rights of his baby. How would we go about signing off my rights, and would anything... View more questions Search