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    eliphasleviathan's Avatar
    eliphasleviathan Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 11, 2006, 12:42 PM
    Back-Payed Child Support
    Hello, I am 20 years old (male), and I am NOT attending college at this time.

    My interest is in collecting back-payed child support from my biological father who, instead of staying around for my life, decided to leave the state and flee when he found out that my mother was pregnant with me.

    Will I be entitled to some, or all of this money? (if collected)

    AND, How do I go about suing him when I have never met him, or don't even know his location? Is it up to the court to find him? (if convicted)

    The only reason why I would want this money for myself is because my mother has never sought it out-not just that, but she won't give me a portion of it after it is collected (some of that money should have been used to further my life as a child), and now that I'm grown, I fear she can collect it all and will spend it on herself-rather than do what it is for... helping me out.

    So, How would I go about collecting ALL of the monies connected with this back-payed child support?
    Stormy69's Avatar
    Stormy69 Posts: 290, Reputation: 98
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    Jun 11, 2006, 02:23 PM
    Call or go to your local child support enforcement office and ask them.
    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Jun 11, 2006, 03:45 PM
    Now that you are grown, the need for child support is gone.

    I am not sure collecting back support won't require your mother in the mix. It is to her that he owes the money, not you. If she isn't on board with this, you may be simply out of luck. And unless the laws differ widely from state to state, there is nothing that can be done about a mother who spends child support payments unwisely short of the father petitioning the court for custody of a child over improper care. I witnessed that injustice with my husband's ex-wife.

    Sorry but you may have to fend for yourself like everyone else that is grown up. Trust me, if adult children could collect from fathers who skipped out, many people would be doing so now and more young men would definitely be thinking twice before jumping between the sheets!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jun 11, 2006, 04:18 PM
    IF this is in the US, the child support order is for your mother and ends normally at 18 or 21 if in college. But the support in the order is to be paid to the custodian parent, to help them pay the expense of the child.

    It is not a legal agreement between you and them, but between your mother and this person ( and your mother should have attempted collection at various times while you were younger. Also various states have different laws on how or even if child support can be collected after the child is no longer a child.

    Your mother could contact an attorney to see if she can get any money still from him ( and she could give it to you)
    s_cianci's Avatar
    s_cianci Posts: 5,472, Reputation: 760
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    Jun 12, 2006, 06:14 PM
    From your post it sounds like there was never an order issued for your father to pay child support on your behalf. That being the case, it'd probably be pretty difficult to get one established now, especially since you are now 20 years old and, as you say, are not a full-time student. Was he ever proven to be your biological father? Establishing paternity is a must before any order for child support can be entered. As logical as your argument is, from a practical standpoint it sounds like you are pursuing a pipe dream, this idea of collecting a chunk of money that was morally if not legally owed to you during your first 18 years. You can consult with a family-law attorney for first-hand information but I have a feeling (s)he'll only tell you the same thing I've just told you.

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