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Why does PEG400 makes soft gelatin capsules brittle as opposed to vegetable oil
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We use two types of fills: Vegetable oil and PEG400 One thing we noticed was that all the oil based capsules are a lot more robust than the PEG400 based capsules. We are trying to achieve the same kind of effect with our PEG based fill (i.e. make them more robust) Any advice would be highly...
What can I use in place of vegetable oil?
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Well, the title says it all. My husband and I are having some friends over tonight, and we want to make brownies, but our box version calls for vegetable oil, and we don't have any in the apartment. What can I use in place of it?
When Baking, What Are Some Alternatives to Vegetable Oil That You Might Like to Use?
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Hi, All! Some of you know that I've been getting into baking things lately. Most of the recipes call for the addition of vegetable oil. Are there any alternatives to vegetable oil that you might like to use when baking? If so, why, please? Thanks!
Cost effective
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Hello, Is it more cost effective to keep the air conditioner thermastat set at 79 all the time or to turn it up to 81 during the day while at work and then turning it back to 79 when you get home late afternoon? It seems to take a long time to bring the temp back to 79 and seem to use more... View more questions Search