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    rrrogers's Avatar
    rrrogers Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 8, 2010, 09:41 PM
    How many moles of H2 are produced if you have 6.22 moles of HCL
    How many moles of H2 are produced if you have 6.22 moles of HCL
    rrrogers's Avatar
    rrrogers Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 8, 2010, 09:43 PM

    How many grams of Fe can be produced from 1.75 grams of Fe2O3
    Unknown008's Avatar
    Unknown008 Posts: 8,076, Reputation: 723
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    Oct 9, 2010, 06:13 AM

    Having HCl alone won't give you any moles of hydrogen gas... =/ Are you reacting the acid with a metal? Or hydrolysing the acid?

    But if you are doing any of those, you should think like this:

    1 mole of HCl contains 1 mole of H atoms.
    In 1 mole of H2, there are 2 moles of H atoms.

    This means that 2 moles of HCl will give 1 mole of H2.

    Can you find the number of moles of H2 now that you can get from 6.22 mol of HCl?

    Same thing goes for the next problem.

    1 mole of Fe2O3 contains 2 moles of Fe.

    What is the mass of 1 mole of Fe2O3?

    It is given by:

    Find the Mr of Fe2O3 to get the number of moles of Fe2O3 that 1.75 g of Fe2O3 contains.

    Then, use proportions to get the number of moles of Fe.

    When you got that, use the formula I gave you to find the mass of this amount of moles of Fe.

    Post what you get! :)

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