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    carong46's Avatar
    carong46 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 8, 2009, 11:21 AM
    How many Moles
    A sample containing 0.187g Cl- is dissolved in 50.0 mL water.

    How many moles of Cl- ion are in the solution? (How do I calculate this?)

    What is the Molarity of the Cl-iion in the solution? (MCL- = nCl-/Vsoln) (How do I calculate this?

    C GIbson
    Perito's Avatar
    Perito Posts: 3,139, Reputation: 150
    Ultra Member

    Mar 8, 2009, 12:49 PM

    0.187 g of Cl-?

    Cl has an atomic weight of 35.453

    The units of molecular weight are g/mole. Divide "grams" by "grams/mole" and you end up with moles (just like x divided by x/y yields y).

    Molarity = moles per liter "per" implies divide. So you divide the number of moles by the number of liters.

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