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Adding water to your dogs dry food harmful?
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My one dog which is a Lhasa is a rescued dog and has next to no teeth, So I add water to his food to soften it. My other dog which is a Boston Terrier has decided he won't eat his food unless we put water in his food too. Could that upset a Boston Terriers stomach? My husband insists that is why...
Adding heat to a spare room
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I recently finished a spare room to move my mother into. I added 2 vents from our forced air furnace but the room is much colder that the rest of the house. It is very close to the furnace so I think this room should be really warm. The furnace is located in the basement.
Adding a second zone to Rheem fhw heat
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I have an 10 year old Rheem forced hot water heater I am going to add a second zone with taco zone valves I am familier with hooking up the zone vavles but how about the heating system It just has one thermastat hooked up now do I have to add a low voltage to the circuit or can it be run off the...
Is it okay to heat up dog food?
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Missy was put on Hills... ID for her stomach issues, but doesn't like the food after it's been in the frig, and it has gotten cold. Tonight I warmed it up for about 20 seconds and she wolfed it down. Is it okay to warm up the dogs food in the microwave? Also what about dogs laying on heating...
Whirlpool Microwave won't heat food
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