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    molassess's Avatar
    molassess Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 5, 2006, 02:58 PM
    CD/DVD Drive
    First, I want to know can I burn cds on a CD-ROM?
    Second,if so, when I insert a cd in the drive it says "insert CD into the drive and the burning process will start automatically" but it doesn't. It will spin and make all these sounds like it will start but nothing happens. Then the door opens and a message box pops up on the monitor to say "no CD in drive E" but it is.
    Morrowrj's Avatar
    Morrowrj Posts: 345, Reputation: 22
    Full Member

    Dec 9, 2006, 04:25 PM
    You must have a CD-RW inorder to burn cds. A standard cd-rom is NOT going to get it done. Im sure this is the reason for the other errors as well. Cd burner drives have decreased dramatically in price and should be easy to obtain for a low price.

    Good Luck

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