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    Balloons33's Avatar
    Balloons33 Posts: 85, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Jun 15, 2007, 12:06 PM
    Does he get high from sniffing.
    Timmy also like to sniff plastic... he is constantly sniffing any plastic thing in our house such as; trash bags, grocery bags, our shower curtain, suitcase knobs, any trash that's plastic, literally anything plastic he will sit by and sniff until we shew him away. When we come in the house with new plastic, he knows right away and goes crazy for it! Do you think he gets high?
    bushg's Avatar
    bushg Posts: 3,433, Reputation: 596
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    Jun 15, 2007, 12:17 PM
    Timmy cute cat name. I have never heard of this My cats sniff anything new that we bring in, but never to the point that it is a problem. I hope someone can answer this.
    HSK's Avatar
    HSK Posts: 45, Reputation: 9
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    Jun 15, 2007, 12:37 PM
    I have five cats, and only one loves plastic. He sniffs and licks it. When he is done
    His inspection, he lays on it for a bit. I have no idea why, but some cats just like plastic.
    Maybe it is because plastic is hydrocarbon based?
    Balloons33's Avatar
    Balloons33 Posts: 85, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Jun 15, 2007, 12:42 PM
    Thanks! Timmy lays on things too... he LOVES my purse.
    froggy7's Avatar
    froggy7 Posts: 1,801, Reputation: 242
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    Jun 15, 2007, 06:54 PM
    Plastic bags, especially, get coated with oil (which I think is fish-based) to keep them from sticking together. Or at least that's what I've been told for why some cats are fascinated by them.

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