New Member
Jun 22, 2006, 12:00 PM
Windshield cleaning
I used Windex to clean the inside of my front windshield... a few days later I looked and my windshield had so many smudges that I might as well not have even cleaned it. Do anyone have any tips to prevent that from happening when cleaning windows in your car?. any commercial products or mixes... maybe a foam or something... any help is appreciated.
Uber Member
Jun 22, 2006, 12:37 PM
If it was a sunny day, then the heat of the windshield would likely be the culprit. You just need to redo it using a few extra windex sprays and a few extra cloths/paper towels.
Cool and/or cloudy days are the best time to do the inside of car windows.
Full Member
Jun 23, 2006, 04:48 AM
I use the ole tried and true vinegar and water mix...
Gives me a frost free windshield in winter and clean sparkly windows year round
Doesn't leave a film like windex does after a few days
Great for removing bugs from windshield also... throw 3 cups of vinegar in windshield fluid
Junior Member
Jun 23, 2006, 05:31 AM
Use the window wash you put in car window wahing wells( or whatever they are called) HA I even use that stuff to wash my windows in the house, it does not smudge. Just look at the outside of your car windows when you use it. IT is tons cheaper than windex. A secret a cleaning lady told me.
New Member
Jul 4, 2007, 06:08 PM
 Originally Posted by barkley1
i used Windex to clean the inside of my front windshield...a few days later i looked and my windshield had so many smudges that i might as well not have even cleaned it. do anyone have any tips to prevent that from happening when cleaning windows in your car?...any commercial products or mixes...maybe a foam or something...any help is appreciated.
I found a cool product that uses a "micro fiber" cloth. I've read some things about cloths like that and how they are supposed to be good for cleaning windows and they won't leave smears or lint. Go to www.windwon.com and see if you think that's what you need.
New Member
Sep 15, 2008, 01:22 AM
Forget about using Windex, alcohol or other potentially harmful chemicals. I have tried them and they don't work. They just smear and streak your windshield up. I just discovered the BEST AND MOST ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY WAY TO CLEAN YOUR WINDSHIELD. Want to know what it is?
Me and my wife were driving back into Canada after a weekend of fantastic shopping at the Seattle Outlet mall in Marysville and while filling up on gas, I wanted to clean my greasy, smeared windshield but I had no cleaner or fluid to wash it with other than a cup of chilled green tea my frend's girlfriend gave to me and my wife on our drive back to Vancouver. I soaked a few paper towels from the gas station in the tea and to my surprise it cleaned all of the crap off the windshield BETTER THAN ANYTHING I HAVE EVER TRIED. I highly recommend everyone try this. I am assuming that hot tea would do an even better job. I believe using tea works well because of the renowned 'grease busting/cholesterol reducing properties that green tea possesses. Jasmine or lemon tea should work just as well I am guessing. People say wet newspaper works great too, but newspaper ink is a chemical and contains poisons.
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