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    kprossman's Avatar
    kprossman Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 7, 2006, 07:03 PM
    Problem with 1990 Honda Accord EX
    My 1990 Honda Accord EX will only start when it is warm out. I have tried just about everything including a full tune-up which didn't help...
    My question is this. I was told that it might have something to do with the "ignitor". Has anyone ever heard of that or knows what it is for?

    Thanks for the help...

    TxGreaseMonkey's Avatar
    TxGreaseMonkey Posts: 16,761, Reputation: 5597
    Uber Member

    Nov 7, 2006, 07:17 PM
    Ignition Control Modules (ICMs) or igniters serve the same function as points on older cars. By electronically allowing the current in the primary (low voltage) circuit of the coil to build-up and collapse, high voltage is induced in the secondary circuit of the coil. This high voltage allows your spark plugs to fire.

    Igniter and coil failure on Hondas is common. In my opinion, these two items should be proactively replaced every 10 years or 120,000 miles, whichever comes first. I also believe main relays should be replaced at this interval. Make sure you don't have more than 60,000 miles on your fuel filter.

    Are you sure your battery is in good shape?

    Other possibilities for an engine having difficulty starting when it's cold are 1) engine coolant temperature sensor, 2) top dead center crankshaft position cylinder position sensor, and 3) manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor. If you haven't already done this, you should check for any codes being thrown.

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