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    Civicman830's Avatar
    Civicman830 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 8, 2006, 03:56 PM
    Honda civic
    My 90 honda civic lx 1.5 twin turbo with intake and cat back exaust won't turn over... it just clicks when I hit the key. I replaced the starter.. still just clicks... checked relays and fuses... im lost please help
    TxGreaseMonkey's Avatar
    TxGreaseMonkey Posts: 16,761, Reputation: 5597
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    Aug 8, 2006, 05:59 PM
    If the "clicking" is from the starter solenoid, I suspect it is bad and needs to be disassembled, cleaned, repaired, and reinstalled on the starter. Otherwise, buy a new solenoid. Before doing any of this, ensure battery is fully charged and terminals are clean and tight, ensure main ground is corrosion free, and ensure starter solenoid terminals are corrosion free.

    If, what you are saying is, main relay clicks, Check Engine Light stays on, engine cranks but won't start, can't hear the fuel pump run, and no spark, then you probably have a bad ECM.
    igodeep15vx's Avatar
    igodeep15vx Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 8, 2006, 06:48 PM
    civic racer 94's Avatar
    civic racer 94 Posts: 39, Reputation: 3
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    Aug 17, 2006, 01:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Civicman830
    my 90 honda civic lx 1.5 twin turbo with intake and cat back exaust wont turn just clicks when i hit the key. i replaced the starter..still just clicks...checked relays and lost please help
    Sounds like one of your muffler bearings is bad maybe even a glow plug

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