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    angelb's Avatar
    angelb Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 11, 2006, 11:52 PM
    Car won't start, no click and no power to radio, power window or locks
    After installing a new starter on a 1999 2WD Explorer it will not start. There is no click when trying to start it, its just dead, and the radio, power locks/windows, a/c, and dash light don't work but the interior lights work and so do the headlights. We've had the starter checked to make sure it was good, checked the fuses, double checked the starter installation, and checked the battery. Any suggestions on what it might be?
    dacybugg's Avatar
    dacybugg Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 12, 2006, 12:02 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by angelb
    After installing a new starter on a 1999 2WD Explorer it will not start. There is no click when trying to start it, its just dead, and the radio, power locks/windows, a/c, and dash light don't work but the interior lights work and so do the headlights. We've had the starter checked to make sure it was good, checked the fuses, double checked the starter installation, and checked the battery. Any suggestions on what it might be?
    Maybe your alternator? Mine went out and resembled this problem
    Vandy-1's Avatar
    Vandy-1 Posts: 99, Reputation: 6
    Junior Member

    Nov 12, 2006, 05:07 AM
    Double check the wires on the solenoid that they are on the correct terminals.
    Check for a blown link or fuse in the link/fuse box in the engine bay labeled BATT.
    TxGreaseMonkey's Avatar
    TxGreaseMonkey Posts: 16,761, Reputation: 5597
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    Nov 12, 2006, 01:51 PM
    If the starter does not crank the engine, check the battery, battery positive cable, ground, and wire connections for looseness and corrosion. If the starter still does not crank the engine, bypass the ignition switch (make sure transmission is in neutral or park) by unplugging the push-on connector from the solenoid "S" terminal. Connect a jumper wire or remote starter switch between the battery positive terminal and the exposed "S" solenoid terminal. The starter should crank the engine. If the starter cranks the engine, check for an open in the circuit between the starter and ignition switch, and connectors. Also, check the ignition switch and the fusible link. On cars with automatic transmissions, check the A/T gear position switch (neutral position switch) and connector. The transmission range sensor (PRNDL) could also be out of adjustment or defective. On cars with manual transmissions, check the starter cut relay, clutch interlock switch, and connectors.

    Because of the other items not working, pay particular attention to the ignition switch, which appears to be the common link to both set of problems.
    angelb's Avatar
    angelb Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 12, 2006, 05:48 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by angelb
    After installing a new starter on a 1999 2WD Explorer it will not start. There is no click when trying to start it, its just dead, and the radio, power locks/windows, a/c, and dash light don't work but the interior lights work and so do the headlights. We've had the starter checked to make sure it was good, checked the fuses, double checked the starter installation, and checked the battery. Any suggestions on what it might be?
    Thank you for all your replies. Finally got it fixed today. The problem was that the new "good" starter was actually bad and a main fuse was blown.
    Flieder's Avatar
    Flieder Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 17, 2008, 10:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by angelb
    After installing a new starter on a 1999 2WD Explorer it will not start. There is no click when trying to start it, its just dead, and the radio, power locks/windows, a/c, and dash light don't work but the interior lights work and so do the headlights. We've had the starter checked to make sure it was good, checked the fuses, double checked the starter installation, and checked the battery. Any suggestions on what it might be?
    Hi - I had the same problem with my Pick up and all it ended up being was a poor corroded connection at the battery. I took off the clamp and used a post cleaner (wire brush) and reconnected it tighter etc... and its working fine now. Kragen Auto sells battery terminals cleaners for under 10 bucks.
    stressed2duhMax's Avatar
    stressed2duhMax Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 10, 2010, 11:03 PM
    My car sounds like it has a bad smokers cough when I turn the key but won't start.. the lights and radio work fine

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