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91 Honda Civic: Main relay?
[ 16 Answers ]
Hi: I am having problems with my '91 Honda civic DX when I drive for a while, then I stop the engine for 5-10 minutes to do some shopping or whatever... and then try to start again. It doesn't start at all. But if I wait another 5 or 10 minutes and I try again, usually starts. I don't have any...
'89 Honda Civic - no power to fuel pump
[ 7 Answers ]
My little 89 Honda Civic had been running fine... then suddenly a few times it felt like the fuel delivery was getting weak, then it'd perk back up. I parked the car for a few days and drove my main car. I went back to the Honda after a 5-6 day hiatus - and it won't start. It turns over, but...
Location of 93 Honda Accord main relay?
[ 16 Answers ]
(EXCELLENT site by the way). Can anyone email me a picture or a diagram of WHERE on the drivers side kick panel area the mainrelay is located? Someone told me the cruise control relay is in front of it. Is that accurate? Thanks everyone.
Fuel Injection Relay Honda Prelude 1988
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I have a 1988 Honda Prelude 2.0 which has refused to start. The mechanics at the Honda shop say it's the Fuel Injection Relay, BUT they don't know it's location, OR ID number. I know that sounds strange but it's true. Can anyone help me please? Thank you. PS: This is a right hand drive car as I...
92 honda civic no fire no fuel-new relay!
[ 3 Answers ]
92 honda civic won't start- replaced distributor, fuel pump, and main relay still nothing! If I jump the 5 & 7 terminals on the relay plug the pump will work but that's the only way it will but I still have no fire?? What could this be?? PLEASE HELP!! View more questions Search