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Car DOESN'T SHIFTwhen its ON(Manual Trans).
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When the engine is off, the car goes into gear, but when I turn it on and press the clutch it doesn't want to go into gear. I tried starting it while in first and reverse; the result is the car jumps then the engine dies. I do not know if my tranny is bad because it goes into gear when the engine...
1996 GMC Pick up V6 Engine
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On the compression stroke, are the intake and the exhaust valve closed at top dead center?
More Help Needed On 1996 Gmc Pickup, V6 With Vortek Engine
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The distributor is removed, timing chain and sprockets removed, and the motor has been turned over. I'm now ready to align everything to include how I align the balancer shaft sprocket with the cam shaft sprocket. Upon lining that up, I install my timing chain and cam gear - I need instructions...
98 GMC won't start, not getting gas
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I have a 1998 gmc 4x4 5.7 at. Its been getting harder & harder to start, but went it started it would run great and restart that day. Today it didn't start, so the fuel pump is making nois so that is working, put a new fuel filter on, no help, so I put some gas in the throttle body and it started...
90 Accord Manual won't start
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Hi guys, I've read alotta threads here regarding starting problems which was related to the main relay.. but I'm still confused, as my problem is a bit different. When I turned key to start, it made clicking noise and then like a power failure.. lights would pop and go once.. I couldn't get it... View more questions Search