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1994 Honda Civic EX will not start
[ 53 Answers ]
I am having problems with getting my 1994 Honda Civic EX to start. I am getting no spark at the spark plugs, but I am getting fuel to them. I have read through the FAQ listed in the forum on the subject. I have replaced the spark plugs, spark plug wires, rotor, distributor cap and Igniter...
1994 Honda Civic No-Start
[ 1 Answers ]
1994 Honda Civic,156k, No-Start Problem. Car ran great until I left it parked outside for two weeks (unusually hot weather). Now it cranks but won't turn over. I removed and inspected the main relay, joints looked okay but I replaced with new part just in case. Still no start. I can hear the fuel...
Chevy S-10 truck 2000
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I have a chevy S-10 2.2 motor size recently it overheated and I got water in the spark plugs but no water in the oil I tried using the block sealer k&w and bars leaks block sealer and head gasket sealer but my truck just turns over and won't turn on will these products only work if the truck turns...
Mopar motor in chevy truck
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I have a 1982 chevy blazer that I love but its not practical to drive. However I would hate to sell this truck but its pointless to keep a car I don't drive. I also have a 440 sixpack engine that I'm dying to rebuild but don't have a car to put it in... so I got to thinking... what about the... View more questions Search