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1990 Honda Civic 1.5 DX won't start!HELP!
[ 134 Answers ]
OK I recently bought a 1990 honda civic hb 5speed non v-tec... it won't start and if it does it doesn't stay running long at all. Replaced the distributor and put a brand new computer in it... still won't run.. I'm getting spark into the distributor but none out... any ideas? Thanks in advance
1996 toyota camry
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I need to change the bulb in the left tail light of my 1996 Toyota camry. Can someone help me out with this, I do not have a manual and am sure it is very easy. Thanks
1990 Honda Accord won't start...
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I have a 1990 honda accord lx, it won't start.. it cranks over but won't start, the distributor has spark what could it be?
1990 Honda Civic won't Start
[ 9 Answers ]
Hello, I am totally stumped with this, I have a 1990 Honda Civic with a 1989 Acura Integra Engine in it (Engine Swap), and it won't start. Nothing works, the lights, the radio, hazards, defogger absolutely nothing. Of course your thinking the battery is dead but I checked the battery and it... View more questions Search