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1990 honda civic duel point infection
[ 16 Answers ]
My son dropped his car in my driveway about a month ago. He had just had the fuel tank replaced but was also having problem keeping the car running and it would stall at traffic lights. He asks them to check it out. They said they would have to change the tank first before the engine could be...
1990 Honda Civic fuse problems
[ 3 Answers ]
I am trying to get a 1990 Honda Civic to run. I am looking at the fuse panel under the stearing wheel. There is no cover. I am missing 6 different fuses. I think one of them might be to the fuel pump. Can any one tell me what amp fues goes in each slot, and which one goes to the fuel pump?? Where...
1990 Honda Civic won't Start
[ 9 Answers ]
Hello, I am totally stumped with this, I have a 1990 Honda Civic with a 1989 Acura Integra Engine in it (Engine Swap), and it won't start. Nothing works, the lights, the radio, hazards, defogger absolutely nothing. Of course your thinking the battery is dead but I checked the battery and it...
1990 Honda Civic Duel Point Fuel Injection
[ 6 Answers ]
Before I get into doing a leak down test and changing the head gasket our there other things that can be checked first. Main relay re-soldered The condition remained the same. Car starts every time revs 1500rpms or more. If I press the pedal in long strokes the engine will hesitate and die, but...
Alternator solenoid valve fuse blowing with 1990 Honda Civic
[ 0 Answers ]
A frined (I guess you could cal him that) gave me a 1990 Honda Civic that doensn't run... two problems: one problem is that the fuse to the alternator solenoid valve blows when I turn the key to start thus I can't get the codes from the EUC.. the other one is that there is no fuel getting into the... View more questions Search