New Member
Sep 5, 2006, 07:11 AM
1990 Honda Accord
I have a 1990 Honda Accord, was running fine. Started it up backed out of driveway and the car stopped. Cranks, won't start. Getting fuel, timing belt is fine, and I have no spark. Changed the distributor cap modular, still no spark. Any suggestions?
Uber Member
Sep 5, 2006, 09:37 AM
Due to the age of your Accord, I would start replacing parts in this order: main relay, igniter, coil, and ECM.
New Member
Sep 9, 2006, 06:10 AM
Seems like there are lot's of threads with similar Honda issues. It seems there is a main relay that is faulty. Do a search on Honda Accord and you'll find lots of good info.
I'd start there - good luck.
New Member
Oct 20, 2006, 10:00 AM
Check the main ECU fuse under the hood in the fusebox and also the secondary one in the passenger compartment by the clutch pedle or foot block. Had the same thing happen to my LX. Fuses BEFORE Relay
Uber Member
Oct 20, 2006, 10:02 AM
1. When you turn the ignition switch to ON (not START), does the Check Engine Light (CEL) come on and then go off after 2 seconds?
2. During this 2 second period, do you hear the fuel pump in the gas tank run?
3. When the CEL goes out, do you hear (or feel) the main relay "click"?
I need you to answer each numbered question. Your answers tell me a lot and affects the direction we go from here.
New Member
Nov 7, 2007, 07:13 PM
 Originally Posted by char77
I have a 1990 Honda Accord, was running fine. Started it up backed out of driveway and the car stopped. Cranks, won't start. Getting fuel, timing belt is fine, and I have no spark. Changed the distributor cap modular, still no spark. Any suggestions?
Hello QUOTE=char77,
Hi I am accord man and I have seen your proublm many times what it might be is the main relay in dot quiet sure where it is but that is what I've seen happen before
New Member
Dec 25, 2007, 11:46 AM
I also have problem with '90 honda accord: started, reversed the car and all of sudden it died, checked and it doesn't have spark, tested the main relay (I have a '95 acura integra it uses same ralay) pluged it into '95 integra and it started with the hondas ralay, so I think it is the igniter or the coil inside the distributor... will have to try that.
New Member
Jan 9, 2008, 02:32 PM
Update: I went to Autozone to have the Coil and Igniter test but they didn't have the equipment so I just bought a new coil. I assembled the distributor and the car had spark. I still do not understand how the coil could be broken after I tested it and it had resistance (ohms) on it's terminals (maybe it has to be specific resistance). So, I solved my problem by replacing the Coil for $82.64.
New Member
Jan 13, 2008, 11:03 AM
 Originally Posted by stil
Update: i went to Autozone to have the Coil and Igniter test but they didn't have the equipment so i just bought a new coil. I assembled the distributor and the car had spark. I still do not understand how the coil could be broken after i tested it and it had resistance (ohms) on it's terminals (maybe it has to be specific resistance). So, i solved my problem by replacing the Coil for $82.64.
Dude on eBay there is a company that sells entire distributor for only 75 and with warrantty 3yr free shipping any foreign car
New Member
Jan 13, 2008, 11:05 AM
 Originally Posted by txgreasemonkey
Due to the age of your Accord, I would start replacing parts in this order: main relay, igniter, coil, and ECM.
Don't forget ignition switch as well
New Member
Jul 22, 2010, 07:46 PM
Where do find this magic relay?
Uber Member
Jul 22, 2010, 07:52 PM
New Member
Nov 26, 2011, 07:17 PM
Hello there, I have a 1991 honda crx, and whenever I drive the car it loses power all of a sudden. And then returns back to normal. Anyone have any clue what might this situation is before I die? Thanks for the help everyone!
Uber Member
Nov 27, 2011, 04:50 AM
adamel, check/replace the ignition switch for wear, pitting, or melting. If the problem persists, replace the Ignition Control Module (ICM) and coil.
New Member
Nov 27, 2011, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the advice txgreasemonkey! Really appreciate this! Thanks! Ill see if it works.
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