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Hyper thyroid will I gain my weight back once the thyroid medicine regulates
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I have been losing weight for about 7months went to my dr because I was having hot flashes, tired all the time, weight loss achy muscles hair shedding . She did all the test for the thyroid which the results came back I had hyperthyroid she put me on this medicine called methimazole 10mg twice...
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What exactly are the consequences of thyroid's? Also side-effects? Loss of weight or weight gain? I have a friend who is 5ft2", she weighs about 39-42kilo's. She has thyroids in her family and her mum is worried about her weight. I have seen my friend eat and she does... I myself can't...
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Thank you so much for you info on tumor removel , I have one question , My mother inlaw has a tumor on her thyroid non-cancerous type . Im trying to find info on just removeing the tumor none of the lobe or thyroid at all is there a possible surgery out there . Rita J
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I have a question for anybody out there that can help , I have a tumor on my thyroid and they want to remove my whole thyroid it is on my left side , my question is , there a surgery that can remove the tumor but not the whole thyroid. Thank You Rita Litwin View more questions Search
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