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Puerto Rico statehood
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I have no definitive opinion on this . I work with Puerto Ricanos ,and the ones who have moved here across the board think they are American. However ;there is no doubt that many enjoy the special status that territory brings.Currently, Puerto Rico has "commonwealth" status. Those living there are...
Paternity in Puerto Rico
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My husband has discovered he may have fathered a child outside of our marriage. It was before we were married but while we were "together" in a long distance relationship. Needless to say this is a very hard time. We have a daughter of our own as well as my stepson. This woman is manipulating...
Do I need a visa to go to Puerto Rico?
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I currently work in New York with a H1-B nonimmigration status. I wonder if I need a visa to travel to Puerto Rico? Do I need to have a US visa when getting back from Puerto Rico? Thanks a lot!
Property in Puerto Rico
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My dad died in 1985 and left property without a will, this property is currently being rented and my oldest brother collects all the funds and makes sure the taxes are paid. There was 8 siblings, 3 have since died so there are only 5 left . We now have this property under contract for sale. We all... View more questions Search