Actually you can not add Zen to any religion, its concept is not compatible to most other faiths. One would have not really be faithful to their religion to do so.
The concept of Buddhism is to reach a point of control of yourself. Where you are not controlled by bodily urges, such as sex. The Buddhist may have sex, but it is for having children in the family, not for pleasure. Free reach this level.
Relating back to Zen, it is a way of life, and Zen itself does not have a set of rules or dogma. Thus, there are no rules that a priest can not marry as in true Buddhism.
Most of the Zen meditation seen in the Western world, comes more out of Japan, and contains an is influenced by Taoism.
While the monastery monks do not marry. It is common in China to have lay monks, that live by the temple in houses. They work at the temple, care for the grounds, work perhaps in the cemetery. These lay monks do marry and the work at the temple is a family affair. I live near several temples