Junior Member
Aug 3, 2007, 07:32 PM
Reasons to become a Buddhist
OK, so I'm not religious at all! I think believing in something might makelife a little easier, can anyone give me some reasons to and reasons not to contemplate buddism?
Uber Member
Aug 3, 2007, 07:51 PM
I believe there is good and bad to every religion, denomination. I know there is so much out there to chose from. What has made you interested in buddism, if you do not mind me asking? I know that buddism teaches about karma and reincarnation? Is that belief interesting to you as well?
I have been brought up a Christian and have had interest in what others believe and teach as well, but I only know some few basics about buddism. Good luck in your search and I hope you eventually chose what you think is best for you in this life.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Aug 3, 2007, 08:03 PM
Before you choose any religion or belief system, learn how to correctly spell it. (Buddhism)
Now, I trust you have a library card. Your public library has some nifty books all about various religions and the basics of their beliefs. Even the children's dept will have some, and those might be even more basic and clear with cool pictures. So, please go to your library and ask a reference librarian to find you several books on comparative religion.
I also will suggest that you attend services at a variety of churches -- visit a Buddhist temple or monastery, a Catholic Mass, Protestant church services, a Christian Science Wed evening meeting, a Unity temple, a Gospel church. Do you feel comfortable there? Are the members welcoming--or do they avoid you? Do you like the music? Was there a sermon and did it make sense to you?
Ultra Member
Aug 4, 2007, 06:57 AM
Becoming Buddhist was a great decision for me... but it's a personal choice and I think everyone gave great advice, you need to dig deeper into the beliefs to see if its what's right for you. I don't think you need to attend services though (unless you plan to attend once you settle on your beliefs). For me, you can practices your beliefs at home, and there is no need to go to a special place to do so, I've been to one temple since becoming Buddhist, for meditation, but I don't go anywhere. But again, if you are someone that plans to go when you decide, then it would be a good idea to see if you like the environment.
Its not really about being religious or not... its about your beliefs, and what fits you.
Full Member
Aug 5, 2007, 01:28 AM
Reasons to believe:
They are against killing others including animals, insects.
You will be a vegetarian and likely live longer than those of us eating hamburgers and taco bells.
You will believe in re-incarnation versus ending up in hell. You can end up in heaven but do you want to take a chance of going to hell?
Ultra Member
Aug 5, 2007, 01:42 AM
 Originally Posted by tylo
ok, so im not religious at all! i think believing in something might makelife a little easier, can anyone give me some reasons to and reasons not to contemplate buddism?
I have a little advise for you...
Opinion and this may not be related to your question of whether Budhism is good or not.
I do not think that it is right to look at religions as a solution to your depression,
But you must base your beliefs after knowing what you are getting into, understanding what suits your needs.
Just a change of religion may not bring about a solution to your sadness, you must read,learn,understand and then believe in the right belief you choose in order to have any benefit!
I have found some people who have changed religions often and take years to find out it was the wrong decision and to start all over again.
Hope you find your path to peace!
Ultra Member
Aug 6, 2007, 01:14 PM
There are two ways to create happiness. The first is external. By obtaining better shelter, better clothes, and better friends we can find a certain meause of happiness and satisfaction. The second is through mental development, which yields inner happiness. However, these two approaches are not equally viable. External happiness cannot last long with out it's counterpart. If something is lacking in you perspective- if somethingis missing in you heart- then despite the most luxurious surroundings, you cannot be happy. However, if you have peace of mind, you can find happiness even under the most difficult circumstances.” ~ Dalai Lama
This is always how I lived my life. Always looking for the inner happiness rather then the coolest new thing to make me happy. I've realized lately, that all of my achievements and succeses are on the inside. That's how I live my life. I don't need someone to tell me Im the best at something, or give me an award, because if I feel like I've accomplished something then that's all that matters.
I will be glad to talk to anyone who is in the same path too. Drop me a line sometimes:)
Ultra Member
Aug 6, 2007, 04:16 PM
Pretty good advice all those above (although the hell versus reincarnation has me a little worried).
There is so much more positive than negative to being a buddhist. I for one enjoy my situation as a Buddhist. Keep posting here and we can surely help you!
Junior Member
Aug 19, 2007, 06:00 AM
We don't get peace from any religion- only from mystic practice- like Madonna, she get peace from KAABALA*
Apr 1, 2008, 09:06 PM
I like buddhism
Cause it is a veggie religion and I like bananas
But seriously why ask a bunch of tools online get a life
Ultra Member
Apr 2, 2008, 01:41 PM
Buddhism is an excellent path... remember, you don't have to follow all the principles that any Buddhist sect teaches... most Christians just pick what they want to believe and practice.
Buddhism is excellent because it deals with the life questions of how to deal with life's unpleasant events which we all have... sufferering and death and addictions and so on.
Buddhists don't have to believe in God... that is another excellent part of this path. :)
New Member
Jul 22, 2008, 07:23 AM
1. You are not a religious person.
That's very good because you have the best opportunity making the best choice among all the religions. Do you don't have plenty of time so just stick to the fundamentel concept of each religions. Make comparison and see which one makes you feel better and true. If none makes you feel better and acceptable then leave all behind and believe in the believe that all religions are made up none is real in truth.
2. You are wanting to believe in something that might make your life easier.
Interesting! But true. All the religions have their own value and purpose and you don't have any from them and you don't have any experiences in religious issues that is worth considering as a wisdon in your life. Knowing and having experiences in everything is not a harmful harmful thing but involving in everything might be harmful in your life.
3. Reasons to become a Buddhist.
Believing in Buddhism may actually make you feel little uneasy instead. Unlike many of other religions it begins with all the miserables things that you might not hear and talk about, such as the death, sufferrings, cause of the sufferings, and the law of Karma (cause and effects). However, look at yourself and others around you, these are the very true natures of our lifes that we can't avoid from whether you believes or not.
Buddhism is not only a religion but it is a mental science, sycology, and it is an anthropology. It deals with everything on this globe and the universe.
To become a Buddhist, don't just believe in it easily as the Buddha never asked to believe in his teachings but he said that one should do researches and experiments on his teachings like a gold smith does burnings, cuttings and rubbings to see if it is really a pure gold or not. So, in Buddhism you are encouraged to raise any of your oppinions and objections and you are not a Buddhist if you blindly believe in Buddhism.
Senior Member
Aug 31, 2008, 06:25 AM
 Originally Posted by cheese it
i like buddhism
cause it is a veggie religion and i like bananas
but seriously why ask a bunch of tools online get a life
Maybe because he/she is on a personal journey to align himself with like thinkers and this just happens to be one of many tools he/she is using to "investigate" different religions.
Junior Member
Dec 17, 2008, 04:24 AM
 Originally Posted by cassini
we don,t get peace from any religion- only from mystic practice- like Madonna, she get peace from KAABALA*
Religion teaches us to create and maintain peace.
It is up to us how we learn and practices it.
Because every student in a class won't get the same mark and every student intellectual is not same as others.
Junior Member
Dec 17, 2008, 04:34 AM
 Originally Posted by nangchen
1. You are not a religious person.
That's very good because you have the best opportunity making the best choice among all the religions. Do you don't have plenty of time so just stick to the fundamentel concept of each religions. Make comparison and see which one makes you feel better and true. If none makes you feel better and acceptable then leave all behind and believe in the believe that all religions are made up none is real in truth.
2. You are wanting to beleive in something that might make your life easier.
Interesting! But true. All the religions have their own value and purpose and you don't have any from them and you don't have any experiences in religious issues that is worth considering as a wisdon in your life. Knowing and having experiences in everything is not a harmful harmful thing but involving in everything might be harmful in your life.
3. Reasons to become a Buddhist.
Believing in Buddhism may actually make you feel little uneasy instead. Unlike many of other religions it beggins with all the miserables things that you might not hear and talk about, such as the death, sufferrings, cause of the sufferings, and the law of Karma (cause and effects). However, look at your self and others around you, these are the very true natures of our lifes that we can't avoid from whether you believes or not.
Buddhism is not only a religion but it is a mental science, sycology, and it is an anthropology. It deals with everything on this globe and the universe.
To become a Buddhist, don't just believe in it easily as the Buddha never asked to beleive in his teachings but he said that one should do researches and experiments on his teachings like a gold smith does burnings, cuttings and rubbings to see if it is really a pure gold or not. So, in Buddhism you are encouraged to raise any of your oppinions and objections and you are not a Buddhist if you blindly believe in Buddhism.
Good advice,
Buddhism is the only religion that is invented by human being rather than any person send by God.
So Buddhism is very near to the life of Human being.
It is the invention of Buddha by meditating and concentrating and dedication large part of life to give us the right religion.
He also said that religion could be tested in any condition and situation and at any time and should show the right results.
He also said that the principles that is not working in human life should be amended from Buddhism.
It is the only religion that gives us power and has power to better future.
It gives the freedom from within that is the important feeling one should have.
Mar 24, 2009, 07:45 PM
My opinion is don't believe a certain religion just to have something to believe in. Believe what you feel inside is right for you. There's no need to label it. I believe all different things from many religions. Be yourself and live your life the right way and treat people with respect and you will be happy.
Junior Member
Dec 8, 2009, 06:49 PM
Thank you everyone x
New Member
Feb 26, 2010, 01:24 AM
There is truly only one way to accept a religion fully and faithfully and that is through experiencing the spiritual aspect of the religion, which is almost always or always personal.
I for one am considered christian, once a buddhist, I only was one because my mom is chinese and while on vacation we went to many temples and prayed and stuff. Once I experience what I believe to be the holy spirit, I accepted god. I've tried reading books meant to explain Buddhism written by Buddhist, but surprisingly so far the intros of all the books I've read have ended up dissing Jesus and Christians as a whole group. I thought that was the evangelical christian job to insult or denounce other religions, not the Buddhists' jobs.
For me my faith is almost fully based on my personal relationship with god, his expectations of me, and my actions. I believe that my god loves unconditionally, has never ending patience and all powerful will- which is to save all his children. He loves us all, so if we go to hell, he wait for us in heaven, our sinful drive will run out and we will ask him for forgiveness and he will bring us salvation. My god finds joy is showing love and mercy. If you want to know more read the book "if grace is true"
Buddhism like most other religions is good upuntil o certain point, when you find the need to promote your faith by denouncing the validity and truth of other religions you've gone too far. If you find buddhism as a good start, go with it, but go in knowing there are good and bad practices with all religions- even this one
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