Full Member
Aug 15, 2007, 04:10 PM
Is Krishna a cult?
My family is very concerned about my nephew, he has recently joined a belief called Krishna consiousness. He thinks we are sinners and will reincarnate as animals because we eat meat.
He has went to live in the temple, and now says he is going to become a munk for this belief.
They have an alter with these dolls that they anoint with oil and dress. We told him that this is worshiping idols.
We have pointed out bible scriptures about eating meat and worshiping idols, And he says that the king james bible is not the only one and a lot has been taken out, like reincarnation.
He sounds like he's brain washed.
Has any one else had any exsperience with this or no any thing about this?
Any feed back would be greatly appreciated .
Thanks Treeny.
Ultra Member
Aug 15, 2007, 04:31 PM
Krishna consciousness is a worldwide religion that is related to hinduism, they believe in reincarnation and vegetarianism.
He has been "educated' although you may call it brainwashing. Your interpretation of Christian scriptures (from another point of view) could be interpreted as brainwashing as well.
It is a religion of peace and happiness-I wouldn't be too worried.
Junior Member
Aug 16, 2007, 05:49 AM
Treeny, at first I misread your question. I thought it said "Is Krishna a c---?" which I thought was a trifle unfair. If that were the question then I would have answered "no" because he comes across as a very nice man, or deity.
I understand your fears about worshipping idols. My wife Anne was mad keen on that Will Young when he was on Pop Idol. She soon got over it though.
Your nephew is right, however, about there being more than one bible. My mate Terry Corbett often announces, as he heads off to the toilet with a copy of the Racing Post under his arm, that he is "off to read the bible". The Racing Post is definitely not the same as the King James Bible but it's brilliant for horse-racing information.
Maybe you should let your nephew get on with it and see how it all turns out. That's what I did with my son John when he became a New Romantic. He soon got bored of it and became a goth. Which was worse, to be honest.
I wouldn't be too worried overall.
Aug 16, 2007, 10:41 AM
Cult is a vague term, to a Muslim I guess Christians could be considered a cult and far to many Christians call other christian denominations not following their exact beleifs cults. The fact they are world wide and fairly large makes them a religion. You and I may believe their teachings are wrong, as I do of course. But they are not dangerous except to the soul.
New Member
Aug 16, 2007, 05:27 PM
Hare krishna or Vaishnavism, as it is known in India, is a 5000 year old 'cult' with more than 500 million followers including a physics Nobel winner.
A cow or pig breathes, procreates, shrieks when in pain, and therefore has soul like humans or dogs. Thus, it is natural to feel for these animals and not eat them.
If being truthful and kind to all living beings is dangerous to the soul then, dear Fr. God must be a jerk.
Cars & Trucks Expert
Aug 16, 2007, 06:45 PM
 Originally Posted by kirtan
Hare krishna or Vaishnavism, as it is known in India, is a 5000 year old 'cult' with more than 500 million followers including a physics Nobel winner.
A cow or pig breathes, procreates, shrieks when in pain, and therefore has soul like humans or dogs. Thus, it is natural to feel for these animals and not eat them.
If being truthful and kind to all living beings is dangerous to the soul then, dear Fr., God must be a jerk.
State your definition of "being" or "feel"
God cannot be a jerk
Do you dare say fish cannot have a soul because they cannot shriek, yet it suffers upon death??
What about a strong man that dies in agony without utterance? Has he no soul??
Cars & Trucks Expert
Aug 16, 2007, 07:03 PM
Why do I state God cannot be a jerk?
1) You can't prove he exists
2) If you could prove he exists, being a "jerk" is subjective not objective and you'll never know.
New Member
Aug 16, 2007, 08:24 PM
"State your definition of "being" or "feel""
No need, you know what I mean.
"God cannot be a jerk"
The middle-eastern God concept is pretty much that.
"Do you dare say fish cannot have a soul because they cannot shriek, yet it suffers upon death?? "
Are you seriously asking? Did I say that?
"What about a strong man that dies in agony without utterance? Has he no soul?? "
Are you serious? Did I say that?
New Member
Aug 16, 2007, 08:28 PM
 Originally Posted by CaptainRich
Why do I state God cannot be a jerk?
1) You can't prove he exists
2) If you could prove he exists, being a "jerk" is subjective not objective and you'll never know.
Carry this on and you can't prove that God is NOT a jerk.
Captain, we are not proving a mathematical theorem here. People who want to understand, will.
Cars & Trucks Expert
Aug 17, 2007, 05:06 AM
 Originally Posted by kirtan
"State your definition of "being" or "feel""
No need, you know what I mean.
"God cannot be a jerk"
The middle-eastern God concept is pretty much that.
"Do you dare say fish cannot have a soul because they cannot shriek, yet it suffers upon death?!?!"
Are you seriously asking? Did I say that?
"What about a strong man that dies in agony without utterance? Has he no soul?!?!"
Are you serious? Did I say that?
Re-read your own words, particularly the second sentence in post #5.
You make inferences.
 Originally Posted by kirtan
People who want to understand, will.
That's presumptive as well.
 Originally Posted by kirtan
"God cannot be a jerk" - Me
The middle-eastern God concept is pretty much that.
And then insult other beleifs!
What makes you so right?
I'm not here to argue, but to discuss and to further understand.
Junior Member
Aug 19, 2007, 05:30 AM
Bagavat gita- hindu religious text advised by krishna- inventor of atombomb open hiemer got peace from gita.
Uber Member
Aug 19, 2007, 05:51 AM
Hello T:
Is Krishna a cult?? Yes, but so's the rest of 'em.
Ultra Member
Aug 19, 2007, 10:58 AM
 Originally Posted by kirtan
Carry this on and you can't prove tht God is NOT a jerk.
Captain, we are not proving a mathematical theorem here. People who want to understand, will.
Hey Kirtan,
If you are so merciful towards all the creatures that have a soul,
Why do you not include humans among them and if you do, why insult them for their beliefs?
New Member
Oct 23, 2007, 09:48 PM
Don't worry about him. He will turn out to be most compassionate, peaceful and caring just like other Hare Krishnas. He'll stay away from all kind of vices. What is wrong with such brainwashing? You are also brainwashed into believing that Christianity is the only way to heaven (even if you are Jeffery Dommers) and everyone else goes to hell (even though one is Mahatma Gandhi etc. etc.)!!
Eating Meat? That is not good for you anyway. Don't you think the animal in your dinner plate has same rights as the animal (pet) in your house?
Your nephew is not the only one. There have been thousands who have done that. Especially since 1960's. They are all doing fine... despite all the Christian propaganda.
Full Member
May 6, 2008, 08:49 AM
We are still worried. He seems to be so diff and sometimes trance like.
I have posted a new post so that I might get more answers or help.
Ultra Member
May 6, 2008, 04:12 PM
Have you perhaps spoken to him about his beliefs rather than forcing your own on to him-why not listen to what he is actually on about?
I agree with some of the things written here while others not so much, he is correct in that there are deletions and additions in the bible-look how many versions there are of just the basic "holy bible". Anyway you asked if it is a cult-that I'm not so sure of, it depends on what you call a cult... Manson called his religious group "A family", jim Jones called his a fellowship.
I'd say spend less time being judgemental and quoting biblical passages about "idol worship" etc and spend some time listening I think you may be pleasantly surprised that just about all religions (that are reasonable) talk abd preach about love and kindness and honesty...
Frankly I'd be more concerned if he was being sent away on "Catholic camp" or with the Christian Brothers, or many other proven child abusers.
Cheers-but don't worry-Listen!
New Member
May 6, 2008, 10:51 PM
 Originally Posted by Treeny
We are still worried. He seems to be so diff and sometimes trance like.
I have posted a new post so that I might get more answers or help.
Hello Treeny,
This trance like has nothing to do with him being Hare Krishna. If I were in your shoes, I'd have him medically checked up by some professional. Seems like you are a wonderful family because you care about him so much. Please make sure he is getting all the medical help he needs. It probably is some treatable medical condition and here you are, getting worried about what he has started believing in.
Hare Krishna is just a way of life. You don't have to take anybody's word for it, check it out for yourself. Read some literature about them ( Entertainment Homepage | Krishna.com) or stop by at the nearest Hare Krishna temple and get in touch with the leader there.
Take care.
Junior Member
Jul 14, 2008, 05:05 PM
I lived in hare krishna temple for a 2 week when I was younger so if you want to know how life is organised there I can answer you . Just ask !
New Member
Sep 6, 2008, 11:43 AM
There are many comments here battering about the word cult and soul, but what matters is in the heart of the person. I know from experience, and exposure, that the Krishna movement has lots of dogma, or beliefs, that can bind the person into forgetting what the religion is about, and why they are there. I think that happens with ALL religions.
The focus of this religion is to cultivate devotion (Love for God) and do all activities with Love for God. One would expect that this love would expand to all beings, including humans.
I would suggest that you focus on this Love for God in your conversations with him and cultivate your love for him too. (Not that you don't have love for him, but we are ALL cultivating our love, or we are cultivating fear and hatred.) BLESSINGS
Ultra Member
Sep 6, 2008, 03:05 PM
Strictly speaking, all religions and denominations are cults UNLESS the goal of the teaching is to encourage and enable an individual to grow spiritually.
Forced conformity, dogma, control, obedience, forced passivity, etc... as you see, this is cultish and is found in many large denominations...
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