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Phrase Origin
[ 5 Answers ]
I have been unable to find the origin of the phrase "close enough for government work." While it is now derogatory and suggestive of sloppy work, I was under the impression it originated with a meaning just the opposite due to stringent specifications for government construction contracts. ...
Hinduism origin
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What are the countries of origin in Hinduism?
What is the origin of this misfire?
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Hello , Do anyone has an idea? I replaced joint cylinder head on my D15Z7 honda civic VTi recently. Since then there is some intermitent misfires at low revolutions( < 2000 rev/s). Mechanic told me may be spark wire cable or distributor cap, spark plugs. I replaced them all. Problem...
Last name origin
[ 1 Answers ]
Does somebody know where the last name PINSEAU comes from please I need help because my dad told me his great great grandmothers fathers last name was PINSEAU so I decided to search for the origin because it is not a common last name so I was searching for the origin but I did not have one it...
Foreign Income in two diff countries . But paid tax already in those countries
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I am resident alien for Tax Yr 2006. I earned some income in Singapore (3 months) and In India (3 month) in Yr 2006. I guess, I can claim foreign tax credit for India as I am citizen of India and I pass 12 months test. But In Singapore I was on for 5 consecutive months and out of that only... View more questions Search