Not being a Buddhist myself, but having some knowledge of the religion, I'd say you have quite an issue here!
Since the Four Noble Truths tell us about suffering, and desire is considered suffering, I suppose the argument could be made you are going against the Four Noble Truths and thus straying further from the intention of the Noble Eightfold Path. BUT part of the Noble Eightfold Path is "right actions", "right livelihood" and "right effort/exercise". By "right actions" you avoid action which causes harm and "right livelihood" tells you to have a way of life which does not harm others. So, if your profession does not cause harm to others, and you live your life in a way which does not harm others, you could be considered on the right path. "Right effort" says you are supposed to improve yourself; providing for your family would be an improvement to yourself.
In my strictly non-professional opinion, I would say the desire (read: want) of wealth is contrary to Buddhism, but taking reasonable steps to ensure your family is provided for is not. Perhaps you could eliminate the "desire" and turn it into actions of improving yourself, your life, and not harming others. So you can make money, as long as you do not WANT to be making MORE money. So you get offered a job which pays more; you take it not because you want the higher paycheck, but because it allows you to improve yourself and your family.
Hope I helped!