New Member
Aug 10, 2009, 06:06 AM
Asking Questions From a buddha statue.
I know this may sound stupid but I really need some relief now.
I once went in front of a buddha statue and asked a question from the statue.Asking whether my girlfriend will ever leave me I accidentally said yes. You no my mind keeps interpreting it in a way that it was something magical. Can this happen or is it up to me to keepmy girlfriend. And can you ask favours from buddhist statues.
Please I really need some relief from this.
Can we have some kind of connection with the buddha...
Ultra Member
Aug 10, 2009, 09:58 AM
YOU asked a question and YOU accidentally answered it?
I say it's up to you and your girlfriend to keep your relationship going. You can ask buddha, or any other god or goddess you or anyone else might believe in, anything you want. I can't think of any religion that guarantees you'll actually get everything you ask for though.
New Member
Aug 15, 2009, 03:52 AM
I need the truth
I have a problem regarding Buddhism I went in front of a Buddhist statue and asked whether my girlfriend would ever leave me I love her very much. But at that time time I wasn't thinking straight and answered the question as yes this really bothers me because I wasn't thinking clearly.
Also my mind interprets it in ways that are unimanigable it keeps saying it is because of my good karma I said yes and these thoughts just really hurt me.
Can you please advice me I'm a strong Buddhist and I know this is not the right belief.
Please help deal with this problem you will be saving my life so please help me.
Uber Member
Aug 15, 2009, 04:49 AM
I am not sure what you are saying happens
But from what I can understand you are seeking signs and your mind is not thinking clearly. Then you are thinking that your unclear mind is giving you bad 'information'
I learned that my heart and my mind will 'argue' or 'tell me what I want to hear'
But if you ingnore them and listen to your gut instinct that is usually the best thing to follow.
As a Christian I don't believe in looking to statute to help me but that's me and my belief
New Member
Aug 15, 2009, 04:55 AM
Please I need some more answers please help!!
Uber Member
Aug 15, 2009, 05:03 AM
Maybe you need to explain better then
Like what does you having good karma have to do with your mind interpreting things in ways that are unimanigable
New Member
Aug 15, 2009, 05:20 AM
Please can a buddhist answer this question...
Uber Member
Aug 15, 2009, 05:29 AM
A. Please do one post per topic
B. I don't think we have any Budda experts here
C. Statues do not have any magical answers.
A true Buddhist would look within themselves and their spirit for the answer as I have already told you.
Buddism is about reflecting into your inner being not material objects.
New Member
Aug 15, 2009, 05:49 AM
Hi I'm sorru I just wanted to know I'm just scared that's all thanks a lot...
Uber Member
Aug 15, 2009, 05:53 AM
For one thing seeking answers from statues is showing that you are not secure enough with your own direction. You need to look at things from a spiritual perspective and within yourself.
Spirituality is about streggthening your inner being.
If you seek answers from outside sources you never grow.
read up on Ying Yan
I think that is Hinduism though and it will help you a lot better than any statue can do for you.
Ultra Member
Sep 10, 2009, 10:09 PM
The statue will not tellyou anything-in fact Buddha said "do not take what anyone (including himself-Buddha) says for granted, it is up to you to find your own answers", if what the Buddha says is agreeable to you AFTER testing it and analysing it YOURSELF, then take it on face value.
Do not blindly BELIEVE, discover the truth for yourself. You asking a question of a statue will do nothing, you will only get the answer YOU give it!
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